SLF4J Code Template for Netbeans
I use Netbeans alot for Java development. I also used Loggers a great deal and Netbeans Code Template feature is a quick an easy way to insert this boiler plate code. Here's an example code template for inserting the code for creating an
SLF4J logger [Note I've wrapped it in this blog, but it should all be on one line]:
private static final
${LOG_TYPE type="org.slf4j.Logger" default="Logger" editable=false}
log = ${LOG_FACT type="org.slf4j.LoggerFactory"
default="LoggerFactory" editable=false}.getLogger(${CLASS});
I've added this tip to
Netbeans Community Docs at
Cool. I be sure to reference your blog with the next release of SLF4J.
My name is James Branam and I'm the NetBeans Community Docs Manager. Your blog entry would make a fantastic tutorials for our Community Docs wiki ( Would you be willing to contribute it? If you need any help or have any questions, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.
I would point you to the SLF4J FAQ on using *static* for your template.
It asks the question: "Should Logger members of a class be declared as static?"
Before I read this I never considered this possibility and found the read to be very informative as I hope you and your readers do too.
Thanks for pointing that out, it's an interesting read and makes a good case for using local instances of loggers on JEE app servers.
In my case, I generally don't write too many server apps in Java these days, I actually use it for desktop applications or services. In these cases, static logger instances seem more appropriate.
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