Examining architectures in a Fat-binary on Mac OS X

by 1/06/2010 12:48:00 PM 0 comments

Examining architectures in a Fat-binary on Mac OS X

Apple's Mac OS X supports fat binaries (i.e. multi-architecture). I've been trying to debug a problem with bad kernel access using RXTX and found this reference for the very useful tool lipo
/usr/bin/lipo creates or operates on multi-architecture ("fat") files. It can list the architecture types in a fat file, create a single fat file from one or more input files, thin out a single fat file to a specified architecture type, and extract, replace and/or remove architecture types from the input file.
To see the architectures in a binary it's used like:
lipo -info librxtxSerial.jnilib
Which returns output like:
Architectures in the fat file: librxtxSerial.jnilib are: x86_64 i386 ppc7400



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